Artificial knee joint replacement surgery has become increasingly common nowadays. There are millions of people around the world who have gotten a new knee joint. Also, there are many people who travel to India and other countries to get a high quality and affordable knee surgery. After the first time artificial knee joint the operation, as people live longer, some of those replaced joints begin to wear out and fail. This does not happen overnight. It may take 10 to 15years for a good quality implant to wear out. When a first artificial knee joint fails, a second knee operation is required to replace the failing joint. This procedure is called a revision knee surgery or revision arthroplasty.
A Revision knee surgery may require a hospital stay of 7-10 days. The surgery is complicated, technically demanding and whilst the risks are the same as for first knee surgery. Hence the rate of complication is much higher than the first knee surgery. It should be undertaken by very experienced and skilled orthopaedic surgeons.
How to Get Started ?
If you want to travel to India for high quality treatment and surgery then please send the following details to us by email at